CLMS GMAS Information

Middle School GMAS Testing Schedule: 




All Grades (6-8) testing dates

Testing dates - only 8th Grade

April 28 - ELA Section 1

May 5 - Science Sections 1 & 2 

April 29 - ELA Sections 2 & 3 

May 6 - Social St. Sections 1 & 2

April 30 - Math Sections 1 & 2

May 7 - Algebra 1 - 8th grade Algebra 1 students only

May 1 - Make Up Day for ELA and Math

May 8 & 9 - Makes ups all EOG - Grades 6-8

May 2 - Makes ups all EOG - Grades 6-8

GMAS Parent Q and A - English Version       GMAS Parent Q and A -  Spanish Version        GMAS Resources

Why is it important for your student to take the GMAS?

The tests provide information about whether students are grasping their subjects according to the state-adopted standards in the core areas of English language arts (ELA 6-8), math 6-8, science 8th only, and social studies 8th only, and whether they are ready to progress to the next grade.

They offer a “snapshot” of what students can do in those subjects. But they are also important for school and district accountability. Informing the students, parents, educators, and the public about how well students are learning important content is an essential aspect of any educational assessment and accountability system.

Informing parents, educators, and the public about how well students are learning important content is an essential aspect of any educational assessment and accountability system.  Parents, the public, and policy makers, including local school districts and boards of education, can use the results as a barometer of the quality of educational opportunity provided throughout the state of Georgia. 


Georgia Milestones Parent Resources - Go to slide 4 and choose appropriate grade level for links to resources 

Powerful Words 

 Why are we implementing powerful words?

. • These are higher level thinking words and will be seen throughout the GMAS

 • Students need to be exposed to these words so that they feel comfortable with them when they see them on an assessment.

Power Word



  • Break down into parts

  • Tell about the parts


  • The good and the bad

  • Judge it


  • Tell me about it

  • Give details about it

  • Paint a picture with words


  • Read between the lines

  • What is the hidden meaning?


  • Back up the information

  • Prove

  • Provide evidence


  • Teach me or show me

  • Tell the steps


  • Tell the main idea

  • Tell the beginning, middle and end


  • End result

  • Arrive at judgment or opinion by reasoning


Tell the ways they are the SAME


Tell the ways they are DIFFERENT


Hypothesize - make an educated (smart) guess


  • Outline

  • Explain the development

  • Follow (or explain) the path


  • Create

  • Put together